

In 2004 I discovered the celebrity look-alike feature on myHeritage.com. As a completely self-involved teen I was immediately hooked and uploaded 100s of pictures trying to discover what celebrity I looked like. Crushed that very few supermodels turned up, I gave up the site completely after finding out that Fred Savage and I were 52% alike.

Randomly today I remembered the feature and booked it over to ol' myHeritage to see if I could manipulate it into matching me with the dude from Mask, and lo-and-behold they allow embedding!

Sassy Carole Lombard/Lauryn Hill look-alike.

Trying my hardest to look like Fred Savage.

I call this my 'Beyonce' face.

I thought my 'thinking' face would have more azn matches.

My last collage. After being matched with Keanu, what else is there?

So after manipulating the system for  about 40 minutes the celebrities that I  saw more than once were  Lauryn Hill, Annette Bening, Alizee, Michelle Pfiepher, Katie Holmes, Juliette Lewis, and Jacqueline Bassett. I had Scarlett Johanssen a few times, but I refuse to believe that's anything but a cruel joke the internet is playing with my emotions. Now it's your turn! Things that affect your results - smiling with teeth/without teeth/not smiling, hair up/down, pushing your chin forward/pulling it back, closing your eyes, photos of cat ladies...

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