
Resolution Revolution - Februise-ary

I love you if you read this. But it's really an update about my goals and resolutions for the coming months so I understand if you don't wanna slog through it. If you have any questions or want to share about your resolutions for the year please do!

1. become a ninja in photoshop, illustrator, and dreamweaver - Thanks to my new compy I have the opportunity to mess around with photoshop and dreamweaver. I haven't had a lot of time to use illustrator, but I am reacquainting myself with adobe premiere and teaching myself how to perform basic aftereffects functions.  
2. make/post at least 20 vids that highlight the sad hilarity that is my life - The only vid I have done in the past month is one for my dad's company. While I won't be posting it here, I am really glad I had the opportunity to shoot and edit again. Here's to next month and new vids!
3. revamp blog and make it work for me - well the old girl got a suck and tuck resulting in some major changes, including a new domain name, graphics and updated past posts. In the coming months I'm going to be narrowing the focus of the blog and figuring out how to make it more than just a hobby. I've also been neglecting my tumblr so  I will be narrowing the focus on For Whom the Taco Bell Tolls to a health/fashion compendium.
4. take on a variety of sewing projects - I have my first project selected, and have set up a sewing station in my room. Now to actually start!
5. go to a million shows - Besides NoBunny and Hot Machines on 1/1/11 I have not seen any shows so far this year. Shows are not as easy to find in Indy as they are in Portland and require listening/researching a LOT of crappy myspace bands. However I have some promising leads for February, and I'll be posting about them so stay tuned.

6. dj at at least one show - Building my music/vinyl collection, and will be posting my first playlist soon. I need to work harder on this resolution since it's comparably easy to accomplish.
7. visit SXSW - Despite applying, the SXSW jerks did not accept my application to work as a volunteer. I am modifying this resolution. Most likely, a roadtrip mid-March early April. 
8. apply/go back to school - I have a better idea of what exactly I want to study and have a program selected, however(!) classes in my interest don't start until August. 
9. finish first degree (yipes) - I have only one class (and a test) left to finish. The plan is to be done in March. Gotta get on this.
10. develop moisturizing routine - I have been using coconut oil (the kind for cooking) post-shower sporadically. When it is this cold when I get out of the shower all I can do is grab my socks and hoodie, my hands literally tremble if I start slathering on oil. MUST BE BETTER. I have been more faithful about toner and face lotion at night. I also purchased a tinted-moisturizer with SPF that I use pretty much every day.
11. take photos - Miserable fail this month.
12. watch old movies on AFI's list - Modifying this resolution. I have been watching old films on Netflix, but not all of AFI's. I don't know why I selected their list, I haven't even really seen it. I've been focusing on old Noir films, and documentaries. 
13. Buy more records - Since this is along the same lines as #6 I consider this to be mildly successful.
14. Go to UK, France, Greece, and as many other countries as I can afford - My oldest and bestest friend KC is going to be joining me for a Euro holiday that we are in the process of planning. We'll be leaving in mid-May and Greece will be our first destination. 
Going greek summer 2011
UK and France are looking expensive and overrated so they may be skipped on this grand tour.
15. Apply for passport - Erhm. Next.
16. Obtain a fur coat - My mommu has a gorgeous fur shawl that I am now considering mine. She says I can has it when she dies. Well she's in great health and her grandmother is 99 and still kickin. Since I want to enjoy it and her company I am thinking up ways to liberate the fur.
17. New bike - As I am typing this there are at least 3 inches of solid ice on the ground and more of it is pelting my window. Not really in the mood to think about biking.
18. Master Cleanse - Attempted with limited success. Retry?
19. Veganism for at least one month - For the past 30 days I have abstained from meat and fish in all forms. That was pretty tough, not because I desired meat, but due to the midwestern lifestyle. I'm keeping it going for now. Updates about this coming soon. 
20. New Computer  - Got it! Yay!
21. Get a car, or scooter or motorcycle!!! - Uhm. Talk to me about this in June.
22. Figure out a natural deodorant that actually works - Oooh, exciting news on the B.O. front! I have been using a thai crystal deodorant stone and it's pretty effective. 

It's still pretty cold outside so I'll update once it gets warmer and I can put the thai crystal to the test.
23. throw out old clothes and underwear that I don't need - I did this and feel really good about it. More purging can be done so I will keep this as a year-long resolution and clean my closet once a month or so.
24. sell things on etsy/ebay - Not yet.
25. move back to the west coast - I have resolved myself to figuring things out in my life and getting on track for a happier future. I am also more sure than ever that I want to move back west. It's not just that I miss my friends, the weather, and the prevailing sense of coolness. It's that I need that sense of beauty and mindfulness I had out there.
26. be nicer to my parents -  I originally made this one of my resolutions because in the first few weeks of living with them I was grumpy and rude. Now I am spending more time (Friday and Saturday nights sometimes) with them and enjoying their company.
27. practice yoga more - In the past 2 months I can count the number of times I've practiced on one hand! This is very bad. The place I used to attend classes was $30 monthly and I could bike there in 15 minutes. But, such a place does not exist here, so I am trying to practice solo or use dvds. 
If Gaga can do it, I can do it.
I love classes because listening to an instructor and being in the right environment are HUGE motivators for me. So, I am going to set some concrete goals to keep myself going.
28. learn to play the harmonica, keyboard, accordian, or all 3 - New harmonica: check. More than 3 practice sessions: uhm... next.
29. make some music with fleming - Actual music making has not occurred. Talking about music though... whoa.
30. stop making lists and actually do some shit! - I am so-so on this rezo. I feel like I have a bunch of things I wanted to have done that I haven't. But then again I have made progress on more than half my list. Reading over this has been a good motivator. I'll be revamping and updating this in a new section. Keep myself accountable to all ya mathas.

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