
new look

I think I've finally stumbled upon a look I like for this blog. Please let me know if you can't view the scrolling image marquee at the top, or if the images don't change when you move your mouse over them.

It's been sooooo long since I've updated. I may go back and add a few post-dated entries just to fill in the gaps. The biggest things lately?

-traveled to Spain & Portugal
-returned to PDX
-film classes at Portland State
-new apartment / roommates
-officially a quarter-century old

Whew. All that, plus about a 1000 smaller things I should have updated on (for example, I have bangs now.)

In the spirit of playing catch-up I am going to TRY and post once a day this month - sharing something I've made or accomplished everyday. At the end of the month I'll have posted a daily doodle, short film, redesigned piece of clothing, etc, just as long as there are 30 posts in all. Doesn't sound too tough, huh?

So what did I make today? Well it's this site, and the work I put in revamping it, choosing and editing pictures and testing out the design code. Feedback is always appreciated and remember the compliment sandwich... critiques between two nice comments :)

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