
✂Life's a stitch - Retro Bikini

I finished this project a few weeks ago, but hadn't gotten around to taking/posting pictures (this could have something to do with the early spring snow flurries and hail storms - yay Midwest weather!)

Bottoms: front detail

Top: front detail

Bottoms: back detail
After a few attempts I ended up constructing this suit without a pattern, just using intuition and the internet as a guide to retro loveliness. I repurposed fabrics and bought new minimal materials, bringing this look in way under the $150+ versions I saw online.

blue material (repurposed  lycra men's shirt) - $4.50 Rag-o-Rama
striped material (repurposed lycra panties) - $1.50 
Ric-Rac trim - $0.97 - JoAnn Fabrics
Thread - $3.50 JoAnn Fabrics
Support material (repurposed strapless bra) - free
= $10.47 Total!

Re-purposed shirt after removing the sleeves.

The suit took about 2 weekend days to construct but will probably be a lot faster next time since I have a better concept concerning construction. I haven't taken a plunge yet, but I will report back on how the suit holds up. I've always been more of a sun bather/wader and this suit is not built for laps in the pool :)

I will definitely be making another retro style suit - I loves the look and elegance of a pin-up style two-piece instead of Victoria's Secret string bikini, and the high-waist makes me feel like I can enjoy a sandwich in the sand. The next version will be a one-piece strapless sailor themed suit.
Searching the seas for inspiration?

If you're interested in making your own retro suit here are some internet resources that got me started - http://www.burdastyle.com/patterns/alison
Don't forget to visit your local fabric store for questions and advice! Also feel free to drop me a line.

In my next Life's A Stitch installment I'll be showing off some of the items I've repurposed so far this year.

Can't wait for sunny days to arrive!
XoXo - Funny Bunny

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.

April 26, 2011 at 5:47 AM  

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