
Maggie Simpson: Early advocate of the Snuggie?

Snuggies = Onesies?

Are Snuggies just clothess?

Compare Maggie's clothing with the As-Seen-On-TV sensation that's sweeping the nation.

Snuggies are shamelessly plugged on The Today Show

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Hipster Alert

Can you spot a hipster?

The male of the species usually has long shetland pony-like hair that flops into his dis-interested face. He plays guitar & knows glum b-sides from Tom Waites & MGMT. Extra points if he carries a one-shoulder bag and/or Elvis Costello style glasses. Although it does not apply to all hipsters, almost all are living off the parental dime. A percentage of hipsters are in 'art/music/liberal arts' college.

Famous hipsters include the White Stripes. Their coordination in both fashion & rhythm only add to their cred. The favorite comic of most hipsters is the sardonic Dimitry Martin.
Hipsters are a direct descendant of 1950s beatniks, cool cats. The term 'hep' cats originated in te early days of jazz as a means of referring to someone who used opium or 'hop.'
Today it mainly applies to groups of middle-to-upper middle class young people who emulate an American Apparel lifestyle, and worship VICE magazine.

It's okay to be jealous. They like better music than you, have a more ironic sense of humor. You know you secretly want to be a hipster, complete with janitor keys.

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