
GIRRRL. You watchin' Downton Abbey Yet?

First Season is on Netflix y'all!
Here's my first vlog concerning some mindless pop-culture stuff. Sorry the camera is shakin I will work on stabilization next time.

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Here comes the standard post NYE resolution blog-post.

Before I begin on this year here's the 2o11 recap checklist:

☒ = fully completed ✖ = halfway ☐ = slacker

Become an Adobe Ninja ✖
Incorporate self and create website for LLC ✖
No Crappy Food Service in 2011! ☒
Revamp blog and make it work for me ☒
Take on a variety of sewing projects ☒
Go to a million shows ✖
Apply/go back to school 
Finish first degree ☒
Develop moisturizing routine ✖
Take photos 
Watch old movies 
Buy more records ✖
Travel ☑
Apply for passport
DJ/musical enterprises ✖
Yoga & Exercise 
Vintage Buys ☐
New bike ☑☑

I might do a post later on my new resolutions. I haven't resolved as to whether its a good idea or not.