
Happy Holidays...

is what terrorists say!

[via retrogasm]

Merry Christmas & happy boobies! ~ ellebeezy & Betty Page

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It means Merry Christmas!


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foot lovin'

Sgt. Hatred and Princess Tinyfeet are the Rex Ryan and wife of the Venture Universe.

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Can we just talk guys about the awesomeness that is 'The Craft?' Despite growing up during Neve Campbell's heyday I had never seen the masterpiece of teen goth girl weirdness. Until now. The other day while wrapping my own Xmas presents, I got introduced to the coven (we all celebrate the season in our own ways).

Despite having just moved to Sunnyville(or whatever creepy Southern Californian town this movie was set in) Sarah Bailey immediately proves adept at magick. And wearing creepy goth clothes.
Forming a coven. BRB
One of the gifts I wrapped was a denim shirt. True Story.

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Sweater leggings

Dirty Hems has a great diy post for making your own sweater leggings! Can't wait to make these and prance around!
[via.] Dirty Hems

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0i vey - it's twins!

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instead of an ugly sweater i want an authentic Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band uniform to wear to holiday parties.

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Going pink

I am a hair experimenter. I have been blonde, brunette, red-headed at some point. But for the first time a few days ago I went into the realm of unknown hair colors - hot pink.

I wanted more of a Rhianna style bright-red, and it looks very... pink. I like it, but I've already colored again. Now it's a bit of a rusty red. Oh well. It's all a hair-volution.

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